Presentation slides check

How good (or bad) are the slides you intend to use for your presentation? What can be improved and how?


We offer a unique service to you and we named it “Presentation Slides Check”. You can take advantage of a quality review of the slides that you intend to use during your presentation. We will review your slides and provide quality feedback and suggestions for improvement per e-mail. This service is based on the pay as much (or little) as you like concept. You will receive the feedback on your presentation slides per e-mail including the time we spend to review your slides and a suggested amount to pay for the service. You can evaluate our observations regarding your presentation slides and decide if you pay the suggested amount or another higher or lower amount. In case you are not completely satisfied with the service you don’t pay anything.


The presentation slides check follows a simple 5 step approach:


1)    Contact us via the form below for the service. We will respond per e-mail with the information that you need to send to us the slides of your presentation


2)    We will send you back a confirmation of receipt and questionnaire asking some questions to provide us insight in the audience, objective of the presentation and timing.


3)    Based on your response we will review the presentation


4)    We will provide you per e-mail the comments regarding your presentation slides and an overview of the time spend for the review plus suggested amount to pay for the service


You can take advantage of the feedback and pay as much (or little) as you like for the service based on your assessment of the quality.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.