Use of creative handout for your presentation

If you give a presentation it may be helpful to also use a handout that you can give to your audience. The handout may for example provide a summary of the key messages from your presentation, contact details, a list with action items, checklist or anything else that is supplemental to your presentation and will be of benefit for your audience.

A handout could be a standard piece of paper, but you can also use a more creative way. For example you have probably seen in many hotels where they have in each room a “do not disturb sign” - door hanger. You can create something similar with on one side the do not disturb wording and some matters that should not be done anymore and on the other side the “please do ….” with a description of what should be done. Combined with a red light on one side and green light on the other side and/or white text on black background on one side and black text on white background on the other side, this could provide for a creative handout.


The door hanger can be created by printing in colour on two sides normal thick paper. The paper then has to be cut in half and the edges need to be trimmed off. Each sheet of paper will therefore form 2 doorhangers. It is relatively easy to create and can have a big impact. It is something nice to give to your audience as handout and will support your presentation. We have created a template for this door hanger. Would you like to receive the template? Provide us with your contact details and we can send it to you per e-mail.

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