How to turn bad luck into good luck when presenting?

There are always things that can go wrong during your presentation. For example the presentation clicker that you have is not working properly anymore and somehow you forgot to have a backup scenario for this. Or you are on stage indoor and it starts raining outside resulting in a leakage and drops of water fall on the stage.

How to turn this bad luck into good luck? First don’t hide it, you can be transparent and open about what is going on. Your audience may also note it, so you can be open about what is going on.


Next you can try to make a feature out of it by commenting on what is happening and see if you can turn it into something funny if that suits the occasion. Share a joke about the malfunctioning technology, or when drops of water appear on stage as for an umbrella. This will turn bad luck into something funny or make your audience feel compassion with you which can actually support you in getting stronger to bring across the message of your presentation.