Why using the “one word presentation format”?

Do you recognize those presentations where the slides are full of text and the presenter goes on and on to say a lot, but is not very to the point? You see the audience getting distracted as they can’t make much sense out of all the things that are being said. How to avoid this from happening to you?


As described in the book Public Speaking Excellence, there are a lot of different techniques that you can use to focus the attention of your audience. Try for example to use the “one word presentation format”. Think about what the key concept are that you want to bring across and describe each part or topic of your presentation with one word. Use a presentation slide deck that contains one word on each slide. The one word on the slide will form the framework of your presentation and you can elaborate on the topic related to this one word. Following this structure will create an interest as your audience is going to be curious with each new slide, containing one word, what you are going to tell them about this. You can use your creativity to create a focussed, compelling presentation for your audience by using the “one word presentation format”.